Bonjour mes chères amies parissiennes!
Sorry sorry, Good morning all my beloved friends from all around the world. Is fantastic how the Web can take your words anywhere.
Last week I was pretty decided to learn the HTML code so I dug and dug and Voilà....
I've found a great website and super cute! I was so happy to see that someone tooked the time to share her knowledge and engage herself to help the beginners like me!
So, I'm happy to present you Pugly Pixel. Her name is Katrina and let me tell you something I love her style but above all I've found so great her video tutorials. Everything is well explained and fun to do.
So go and check out her website and blog (lovely photos)
What I loved the most about her site is that she encourage you to try out the HTML and to really understand it. Simple everyday examples is her greatest weapon! Practical, easy and Fun! What else we can expect.
I started to take her online e-course for beginners and Im determinate to achieve the goal!! I must climb that HILL!
In the meantime my friends I'll keep you posted about my progress!
<3 Shabby
PS/How cute could this be!
i'm happy you're enjoying the tutorials. thanks for the special mention, shabby! :)